

 Perhaps not every body know that rockclimbing  in Pennavaire Valley, or Albenga ,if you like,

 started in 1990  when was  discovered  the Rocca  dell’Arma  Cliff ,which is and  will be  the

 most far away   site, coming from the motorway, being  the exit  at  the distance of  30 Km.

 Coming downwards are  Bauso,  Fontana  and  Malavoglia cliff.

 The routes mainly  reflect  the style of that period, in other words, vertical walls with some

small steep  drop here  and  there.

 In  1994  we have the first guide of the valley counting about  140 trails  and   9 sectors

 Some   years   after  they start to try  overhanging  trails.  The first sectors of this  sort   are

 explored  giving  way  to high quality tracks.

Owing to the  fact  that  the  trails  were, for  that  time, very ahead,  climbers  were a  bit

apprehensive also because   of  nailing .

Time passes  but  the Valley tracks  don’t   improve also because of the opening of  new

sites   like  Valle Argentina  and Val  Varatella (Toirano) not counting  Finale that,  at the

time ,  was  very  active.

 The  forecast  was  for  a  boost  and  that  is what  happened.  At  the  threshold  of  2000

 and  precisely   by the end  of  1998 and  the  beginning   of  1999 the  Valley gets  what

 SHE  deserves.      Old  sectors  are revalued   and dozens  of  new  ones  are  discovered,

 all  oriented    towards  the  style  today  in  vogue.    Enthusiasm   is  very  high.

 In 2007  there is  a new  guide:  25  sectors    for  a total  of  600  tracks.

Everything   started    12 years  before.  Now   work  and  enthusiasm   go  at  a high  speed.

Shortly  we  will  have  a new  papery  guide,  telematic    updating, the  sectors  will  be

nearly  40  ,  tracks  more  than 1000.

 A  tip to the  aficionados  of  the place :  feel  confident    that  other   sectors   have  already 

 been     discovered  .       Good  climbing   to  everybody